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Background on the Clifton Park Trust Deed

Clifton Park Trustees

A very special facet of Clifton Park centers on the property that is owned by a trust created in 1912 for the benefit of the Clifton Park lot owners. That property includes Clifton Beach, Beach Road (running down the hill, along the Beach and around Clifton Lagoon), the triangular parcels at the Lake Road entrance to the Park and in front of the Clifton Club, Banks Park, property next to Sloane Subway and a lane between West Clifton and Forest Roads and a lane leading to stairs to the Beach. The 1912 Clifton Park Trust Deed directed the Trustees “to hold title to and preserve all of the land deeded to them” and “establish regulations for the use of” the property.  It provided that the Trust be administered by five residents of Clifton Park. These individuals, constituting the Clifton Park Trustees, are charged with the responsibility of maintaining the Trust property and are authorized to obtain the monies necessary from an annual assessment on all Park lot owners. The Trustees serve without compensation for life, unless they resign, or move out of the Park. The trust has 501 (c) (7) nonprofit tax status.

Clifton Lagoon Trustees

The Clifton Lagoon, located at the foot of Beach Road along the Rocky River, consists of approximately 35 lots plus common areas that are administered by Clifton Lagoon Trustees under a separate trust document. The Clifton Lagoon Trustees contribute to the maintenance of Clifton Park common property via an annual payment to the Clifton Park Trustees.

Clifton Club
The Clifton Club is a private dining and social club located within Clifton Park.  Chartered in 1902, the Club has approximately 224 members that are granted permissive rights to use the Trust property.   The Clifton Club is administered by a volunteer board of directors and a General Manager.  The Clifton Club contributes to the maintenance of Clifton Beach to the Clifton Park Trustees in the form of monthly payments.